About Mandy Lee Miller
Mandy Lee Miller is the creator and director of the #CarseatFullstop initiative. She is recognised as one of two car seat experts in South Africa. Manydy works closely with the other expert, child road safety NPO Wheel Well Director, Peggie Mars. A mom of one beautiful little girl, she is passionate about children and safety. Alongside #CarseatFullstop, she has a popular parenting blog, a small online parenting magazine, co-owns a women’s only Facebook group and is a professional freelance writer, editor and brand consultant.
Mandy on #CarseatFullstop
#CarseatFullstop is one of the leading sources of information on car seats and car seat best practice in South Africa. We provide a safe non-judgemental space for parents to seek answers to keep their children safe. We only recommend car seats we believe are 100% safe for our children. #CarseatFullstop will never promote a seat that has any marks against it on safety grounds on any platform.
#CarseatFullstop began because I didn’t want to be the mom that shakes her head, tuts and moves on with my life anymore. I did the research and the list of things that can happen is horrifying. Car seats save lives. Not using a car seat puts your child, your baby, and everybody else in the car at risk. I partner with other parents, sharing what I know to support them… And they in turn share what they learn… #CarseatFullstop is essentially a large group of parents just like those we are trying to reach… We didn’t know how many things we were getting wrong… And now that we do, we want to help others.
Join our to ask any questions you may have and get answers from the leading experts on car seats in South Africa. Follow our or or for content and news on car seat best practice in South Africa and around the world.
Mandy on Sharing
The call to action for the #CarseatFullstop initiative is to share the wealth of knowledge and information we produce as far and wide as possible. Don’t let someone you know make a poor decision, when the simple click of a button could change their behaviour.
You have the power to save a little life. One share, seen by one person, who straps in one child, saves a life.
Nicola Scott
The contact page for http://www.carseatfullstop.co.za doesn’t seem to be working.
I would like to let you know about the German car seat tests. They are highly regarded and very useful.
Here is the link (unfortunately in German but still the only serious test around): https://www.adac.de/infotestrat/tests/kindersicherung/kindersitz-test/default.aspx?ComponentId=29903&SourcePageId=31900
There is also a Swedish test which I didn’t find very helpful (https://ntf.se/konsumentupplysning/marknadsoversikter/bilbarnstolar/)
You can also check actual vehicle safety when purchasing a car. The NCAP test specifically tests child safety. The results can be found here: https://www.euroncap.com/en
Hope this can be of some use to you,
Hi Nicola,
I know them all well 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out. I love that there are other mamas out there who strive to know more!
Thanks again!
Nicola Scott
You can find info on the NCAP car safety tests for child occupants here: https://www.euroncap.com/en/vehicle-safety/the-ratings-explained/child-occupant-protection/